What is Ratio Utility Billing System?
According to Guardian Water & Power, the ratio utility billing system (RUBS) is a method of allocating utility costs in apartments, condominiums, offices, shopping centers and other multi-unit properties. Based on the number of occupants, square footage, number of bathrooms and number of water fixtures, each resident inside the building will get a utility bill based on an allocation formula.
RUBS serves to help people inside the building understand the true cost of utility service, so they can connect their usage to the cost.
What are the Benefits of RUBS?
On the resident’s side, RUBS helps them understand how much they spend on utilities each month and encourages them to reduce unnecessary utility waste in order to decrease expenses.
On the facility manager’s side, RUBS allows building owners to see a decrease in overall operating expenses and an immediate increase in cash-flow, largely because RUBS serves as an incentive for residents to conserve water and electricity. According to EPIC, RUBS also encourages tenants to report maintenance problems like leaking.
Previous studies also show that tenants use about 5% to 40% less utilities when RUBS is announced and implemented.
What Types of Business Benefit the Most from it?
RUBS works best for properties that are shared by multiple families or groups, like apartment and office buildings.
Implementing RUBS encourages an environmental-friendly lifestyle. It is beneficial to property owners due to higher revenue and property value. It also promotes tenants to conserve utility resources.
If you would like help with getting on the ration utility billing system, contact EnergyLink now to get the process started.