The average 50,000 sq ft university spends around $100,000 every year on energy expenses alone. Higher education institutions can lower energy costs and increase sustainability on campus with renewable energy solutions.
At EnergyLink, we make it easy by providing full-suite strategic and tailored solutions that cut down carbon emissions and increase sustainability. By working with us, you are able to circumvent the arduous discovery process of determining the best solutions for your higher education institution.
Invest in your campus
Solar carports
Generate onsite power and provide covered parking for facilities with little roof or ground space
Battery energy storage
Store generated solar power for later use when peak demand is high and have a backup for emergencies
LED lights
Can reduce operating costs by up to 30% if they are replacing fluorescent or incandescent bulbs
Partner with us design. build. fund.
We are a certified National Energy Service Company (ESCO) that designs projects for commercial and industrial entities.
We will be your partner throughout each stage of the project, and we also offer multiple types of funding to our investment grade clients.
10 MW
Project installations
Completed projects
Highlighted applications
We're results focused
Take a look at some of our case studies to see the results we can produce for higher education institutions. Get in touch below if you’re interested in starting a project.