Kentucky has recently passed EPAD (Energy Project Assessment Districts).
EPAD allows businesses to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements through assessment added to the property tax bill.
Kentucky has now enabled legislation for EPAD projects and is now one of the 35 states to have approved this form of financing.
EPAD Loans
EPAD loans can be extended for a period of up to 20 years, which means that the investment will be repaid from the energy savings over the full life of the upgrades made.
The loan is passed on to the new owner upon sale of the property, which is different from an ordinary investment.
Energy Efficiency for Businesses
Energy efficiency can save a business significant amount of money and owners start seeing savings immediately.
With a long-term low-risk investment you can experience cash flows immediately.
Energy improvements will also bring huge energy savings decreasing operating costs.
Aside from monetary benefits energy improvements also increase building comfort and the value of the building.
With EPAD being available in Kentucky now is the best time to take advantage of this financing option to improve building efficiency and productivity.