We would all like to be more energy efficient and save money on monthly utility costs. An energy audit is a crucial first step in doing so. Receiving an audit will allow you to establish a baseline for energy consumption and provide an opportunity to determine areas in which the costs can be reduced. You might be wondering; what exactly happens during an energy audit and what are the results? Below we will explore the three different levels of audits that have been established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Level I
A Level I energy assessment is the basic level at which you can have the energy usage of your space analyzed. Your auditor will do a walkthrough of the building to identify the most obvious conditions that may be impacting your facility. They will conduct brief interviews with site operating personnel and a quick review of past utility bills to determine the least efficient areas. The auditor will compile all data to create a preliminary energy use analysis. You will also be provided a report that briefly outlines low-cost or even no-cost options to improve energy usage as well as estimates of implementation costs for other energy saving options.
Level II
A Level II energy assessment will include all aspects of Level I and more! In addition, you will receive critical system performance testing with a more detailed energy calculation and an in-depth financial analysis of potential options for improving energy efficiency. This will help you more fully understand the potential benefits of implementing specific energy efficiency measures. At this level, you will need to provide your auditor a 24 or 36-month history of utility bills so that they may evaluate the energy/demand rate and usage profiles. This level may also require more involved interviews with personnel to determine maintenance procedures that could be impacting energy efficiency.
Level III
A Level III energy assessment includes all aspects of Level I and Level II but requires gathering more in-depth field data and providing a very precise engineering analysis. Your energy auditor will create a dynamic model of energy usage for your facility as it currently is and one with all energy conservation measures identified. This model of your building will be calibrated using the actual utility data from your past usage to create an accurate baseline for determining potential operational savings.
Need A Commercial Energy Audit? Contact Us
Our experts at EnergyLink would love to help you become more energy efficient. We specialize in commercial energy properties ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 sq ft. Whether you have an office building, hotel, school, grocery store, or multi-family unit, we are happy to discuss your options and determine which assessment level is right for you. Click here to fill out a request form!