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Power Purchase Agreements

virtual PPA solar array

What is a Virtual PPA?

A virtual PPA, or power purchase agreement, is a type of agreement in which an organization agrees to purchase a certain amount of electricity from a renewable energy project at a set price, without physically taking delivery of the energy. Instead, the company is buying the renewable energy attributes associated with the project, such as […]

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sleeved PPA solar panels on hill

What is a Sleeved PPA?

A sleeved PPA, or power purchase agreement, is a type of contract used in the renewable energy industry to finance the development and construction of new projects. Sleeved PPAs are a private agreement between an energy developer and an off-taker, typically a utility company or large industrial consumer, for the purchase of electricity generated by

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corporate solar PPAs, solar field

3 Benefits of Corporate Solar PPAs

Corporate solar PPAs, or power purchase agreements, offer businesses a long-term contract for electricity by purchasing power directly from the generator. Often, corporate solar PPAs differ from the traditional approach of simply buying electricity from licensed electricity suppliers, and PPAs offer both economic and environmental benefits to their stakeholders, including businesses, developers, and project managers.

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