Solar power can be used to generate green hydrogen, a carbon-neutral form of hydrogen that can be used for transportation fuel or grid support. The combination of solar plus hydrogen energy storage can not only generate generate hydrogen, but also store it for use as energy at a later time.
Read What is Green Hydrogen?
What is solar plus hydrogen energy storage?
Solar plus hydrogen energy storage utilizes solar panels to power an electrolyzer and a process known as electrolysis. Electrolysis is is a chemical process that produces hydrogen by splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. This process converts electricity into storable energy. This is an established technology that is currently used to generate hydrogen and store excess energy across the globe.
Read Everything You Need to Know About Hydrogen Energy Storage
Solar plus hydrogen energy storage is similar in concept to solar plus battery energy storage. They both work with solar power generated onsite to offset peak electricity demand charges by storing and supplying unused energy when necessary. Both technologies will reduce reliance on utility providers and lower energy bills..
Hydrogen can be stored in the form of hydrogen gas and compressed, in the form of liquified hydrogen or in the form of metal hydrides. Hydrogen gas requires storage in high pressure tanks and liquid hydrogen requires storage at cryogenic temperatures. Hydrogen storage involves minimal losses. No matter the form, hydrogen in a fuel cell can be converted back into energy in the form of heat or electricity through an electrochemical reaction. Hydrogen re-electrified in fuel cells offers efficiencies of up to 50 percent.
Why solar plus hydrogen energy storage?
Solar plus hydrogen energy storage is known as a superior alternative to other technologies such as solar plus battery energy storage. Hydrogen energy storage is more compatible with output from solar photovoltaic cells because electrolysis uses low-voltage DC current. Hydrogen is also a non-harmful substance as its combustion only produces water. In addition, hydrogen can be transported through pipelines, tanks and hydride compounds and will work with adapted existing natural gas infrastructure.
Want to learn more?
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