Renewable natural gas (RNG) is a resource that can be used as a clean alternative to harmful fossil fuels. Federal and state government support in recent years has increased interest in and opportunities for procurement of RNG. Businesses and organizations looking to leverage renewable natural gas can learn how by reading below.
Read What is Renewable Natural Gas?
How to leverage renewable natural gas
Facilities like landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and farms that house RNG plants and cities or municipalities where they are located can generate revenue from RNG produced on the land they own. Facilities that house RNG can receive either revenue or royalties simply from producing RNG. Cities and municipalities can leverage renewable natural gas by selling RNG and associated credits. They can also enter into a third party ownership model, relinquishing the capital, operating costs and risk while retaining the ability to sell RNG and continue to generate revenue from this.
Corporations, industrial, higher education and transportation sectors can all also leverage renewable natural gas and reap benefits like a positive environmental impact, revenue generation and increased energy security.
Read 4 Benefits of Renewable Natural Gas
Whether to satisfy shareholders or students, many corporations and higher education institutions have pledged to switch to renewable electricity. Making this switch allows businesses or education institutions to lower their carbon footprints and possibly achieve carbon neutrality. RNG can be purchased and used as an alternative to conventional natural gas as a source of electricity, fuel, hot water or steam and to power combined heat and power (CHP) systems. RNG can also be used to power EV charging stations at these locations.
Read What is the Difference Between Natural Gas and Renewable Natural Gas?
Want to learn more?
If you are interested in learning more about how to leverage renewable natural gas and all things renewable energy, make sure click the button below and subscribe to our newsletter. If you are looking to become carbon neutral and utilize renewable technologies such as RNG, consider partnering with EnergyLink. Our team of experts will be your guide throughout the design, build and fund stages of your next renewable or energy efficiency project. Click here to get started. If you would like to speak with a team member directly, dial (866) 218-0380.